
Icons 1726594117 icondb%2872%29 LAND USE

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The 4.5 billion years of wilderness of nature offers places and climates for humans. Our Earth is covered in oceans (71%), leaving 29% in land. Of that land, 19% is barren, and 10% is covered with glaciers. The remaining 71% of the land is habitable. How is that land used? Almost half is used for growing food, 38% is covered with trees, 14% is covered in shrubs and grasslands, and 1% is in freshwater lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Humans occupy only 1% of all the Earth’s land! They adjust to life on different landforms, including mountains, valleys, plains, and coastlines. They adapt to conditions in every biome that offer air, water, and the ability to grow plants and food. Humans develop economies of business, education, and culture. They build places to live, work, learn, and play in rural, exurban, suburban, and urban areas. As settlements grow into towns, villages, and cities, connecting roads and transporting goods, people don’t always consider that their development disrupts nature’s ecosystems, removing flora and fauna. Today, people are sprinkled across the seven continents in diverse settings- towns, villages, small cities, medium-sized cities, large cities, and megapolises of 10 million people and more! 50% of the world’s population lives in cities, and urban areas are getting larger and larger. The impact of what humans create has exceeded the earth’s energy balance to the point that the temperatures are rising. Towns without a proper balance of the natural regions, local food production, and clean water lack Nature’s ways of cleaning the air, filtering the water, and slowing temperatures rise.

Activity 1 – Nature's Land: Why Wilderness is Important

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Natural areas exist on every continent. They are areas of conserved land, national parklands, or wilderness. In these areas, wildlife remains free to evolve and complete natural lifecycles. These natural areas are all types of biomes-arid tundra, deciduous forests, rain forests, wetlands, marshes, coastal areas, prairies, etc. They are rich with a biodiversity of life plants, insects, and animals. Designated natural areas are sites of wildlife repopulations. The benefits of wilderness are numerous. Wilderness provides so much more than a place to camp, hike, or fish. Wilderness cleans our air and filters our water. It provides a home for wildlife and an economic driver for local communities. The E.O Wilson Half Earth Foundation works to conserve global properties to nurture the continuance of biodiversity of species and continued human life and evolution.

Activity 2 – Rural Zone or Ex-Urban Zone

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Rural zones are areas originally of single-family farmsteads; over the last one hundred years most family-owned farms were absorbed in large industrial agricultural tracks in the US whereas European countries continued with family-owned farms outside of village areas growing food to serve the village. The US Rural zones are stripped of enriched topsoil by excessive use of herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides and lack of crop rotation. In addition, large wind energy systems challenge the diversity of sky and land over acreage that once was prairie, savanna, or wetlands. In some countries like the United States, Suburban Sprawl spreads across natural and rural areas with a network of roads eliminating biodiversity passages. Diagram rural farming that supplies towns and cities with locally grown food vs industrialized farming that removes nature and natural biodiversity.

Activity 3 – Sub-Urban Zone

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The sub-Urban Zone is a buffer between urban centers and natural habitats, well-known for its low-density residential developments like single-family homes and townhouses, the perfect place for simple and quiet lifestyle seekers compared to the city center. This zone is marked by spacious greenery features, such as spacious green parks and yards. This area provides fundamental services to the residents connected more with vehicular travel and roads than walkable bikeable communities. Sub-urban zones can support biodiversity by providing semi-natural areas in which wildlife can thrive, however, they divide habitats and disrupt the passages of the wildlife, leading to minimizing species diversity and maximizing human-wildlife conflicts. Draw a suburban zone with nature crossovers of highways.

Activity 4 – General Urban Zone

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General Urban Zones connect suburban and dense urban areas with mixed-use, multi-generational, and multi-income living moderate population density. Incorporating residential and commercial features with neighborhood houses, apartments, retail stores, offices, and restaurants offers transit-oriented neighborhoods connecting with other regional towns and cities. Light industrial functions contribute to job opportunities and economic growth without overwhelming the environment. Biodiversity is limited due to human interference through habitat fragmentation and pollution. Urban planning that embraces the concept of implementing non-human habitats on green roofs, in parks, and community gardens supports urban wildlife refuge for many species. Draw a mixed-use, mixed-income, walkable, green neighborhood.

Activity 5 – Special Land Use Districts

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Special Districts are areas spread in the city, focusing on specific functions and purposes. Sometimes these areas are considered single-use areas such as shopping malls, industrial areas, entertainment districts, museum districts, etc. Other districts feature historic or architectural heritage preservation areas, entertainment or art zones, or business improvement districts. By embracing a certain goal and function these districts can manage mixed-use urban growth, and maintain the unique urban characteristics of the place. On the other hand, these specialized districts impact local biodiversity negatively, this is because, these zones prioritize their urban goal over ecological wellness, leading to pollution, habitat degradation, and reduced species diversity.

Activity 6 – Urban Center

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The Urban Center offers a vibrant and bustling mix of energetic atmospheres that cultivate the urban identity of the city hosting essential civic institutions like city hall and courthouses and serving as the city’s administrative and economic center. The Urban core represents the most densely developed place in the city, the dynamic heart and home of corporate headquarters, significant landmarks, luxury apartments, and the attraction point for the vital economic, administrative, and cultural high-rise buildings. Unfortunately, urban cores without connected green spaces, often lead to intense pollution, traffic congestion, and severe habitat destruction and loss of native species. Biodiversity in these zones is very low, and only the most adaptable species can survive. Innovative and modern urban design methods, like green architecture and sustainability, are mandatory for boosting ecological functions. Draw an urban center with green spaces, roofs, and treed boulevards.

Activity 7 – Summary of Land Use

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After wilderness, there are five main types of land use: residential, agricultural, recreation, transportation, and commercial. Managing the various uses of land occurs through partnerships between state, federal, and municipal entities. Without awareness of the importance of biodiversity to human life on Earth, people have disrupted Nature’s eco systems. To ensure sustainablity of humans on earth, each and everyone of us needs to become stewards of life on earth. What are some activities you can do daily to contribute change?


  • What % of Earth is occupied by oceans?
  • What % of land on Earth is occupied by land?
  • What percentage of habitable land is used for agriculture
  • What percentage is forested?
  • What do most cities lack?
  • Which zone offers conserved and restored land areas?
check answers

