
Icons 1592264056 energy db Energy

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Energy is in everything and every living thing needs energy to live. It is in our atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere. The earth’s energy comes from internal sources like geothermal (or heat from the earth’s core) and rotational like the movement of the earth around the sun. Solar energy drives our weather by heating the atmosphere and through radiation which warms ocean currents. It also fuels plants that in turn fuel animals and our food chain. We use many sources of energy every day. Energy cooks our food, warms our homes, lights our streets, brings us television, and powers our cars. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Energy comes in two basic forms: potential and kinetic. Stored energy is potential energy and moving energy is kinetic energy. Watch Energy on Earth to see how energy can change between stored energy (potential) to energy in motion (moving) and vice versa. This is known as the Law of Energy Conservation.

Activity 1 – Types of Energy

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There are many types of energy. Chemical energy is a form of stored potential energy in bonds that connect atoms with other atoms or molecules to other molecules. When a chemical reaction occurs, the stored energy is released. For example, when we eat food, the food is broken down into fats and carbohydrates and proteins for us to digest; this transformation keeps us warm, helps us grow, and have the energy to move! Sound energy is the vibration of sound waves in air, water, or through other materials; we speak, clap our hands, sing, and play musical instruments. When we stand we do not fall off of the earth due to gravitational pull or energy. When we throw a ball into the air and it falls, it is an example of gravitational energy. Mechanical energy is energy like a wind that moves a wind vane or a fish swimming. Heat, or thermal energy, is the power of hot air rising like a hot air balloon or the heat of a fireplace. Light or radiant energy is the only form of energy we can see; it is the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum that energizes photons into visible waves. It travels faster than any other form of energy. Electric energy is electricity moving something, creating heat or light. Magnetic energy is when two opposites, positive and negative charge, attract and create a force field. Mechanical energy is a sum of the potential and kinetic energy of an object used in combination to do work; the wind blowing, rivers running, a car moving are all examples of mechanical energy doing work. Nuclear Energy is stored, nonrenewable power in atoms that uses fission or fusion to release massive amounts of energy. Elastic Energy is the deformation of potential energy in a material or system that when compressed, stretched, or deformed is released, creates energy, and returns to ita original state; think of a rubber band. Visit the Interactive Energy Systems Map to see how all of these types of energy interact and contribute to powering our world. Make a list of all of these types of energy and draw the source of energy.

Activity 2 – Energy Vocabulary

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There are many words in the field of energy. Some vocabulary is about processes. Other words are about heat measurements. Still other terms describe chemical processes in living things. Record these energy words in your journal and start your energy quest!

calorie: amount of energy equal to exactly 4.184 joules

BTU: British Thermal Unit= 1,000 joules or heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit
Your favorite candy bar roughly equals 1,000 BTUs! energy: the ability to do work
metabolism: chemical transformations in cells of living organisms that allow for growth, reproduction, maintenance and response

non renewable: energy sources that will take more than 500 years to replenish
renewable: energy sources that replenish themselves every few hundred years

R factor: Insulation factor of roof and walls of buildings; the higher the number the better the insulation the less energy used!
transform: to change state

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Activity 3 – Food Energy

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People require energy for everything! Calories are actually joules or a unit of energy created when we digest food. We eat food to take calories in and need to balance what we are eating with how we are moving. Foods contain protein, fats, minerals, and carbohydrates that convert into energy through digestion and absorption. Research comparative energy measurements. Your favorite candy bar roughly equals 1,000 BTUS! BTUs are used to measure radiant heat. A BTU, or British thermal unit, is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit, at sea level which basically equals the heat of one kitchen match. Food and beverage calories combine with oxygen to release energy. Metabolism converts what we eat and drink into energy. Metabolism allows organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. What do we need to eat to take in one hundred calories? How many calories do you need for energy each day?

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Activity 4 – Energy & People

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People want to be healthy! Being healthy includes getting energy from food, friends, and your lifestyle. It means balancing your body, mind, and spirit Collect symbols for all of the activities you like to do and see how many calories they burn. We even burn calories when we are sleeping as our body is busy rebuilding our cells. Standing burns more calories than sitting. Running burns more calories than walking. Take a look at the following activities and see how many calories they burn. It is all about balancing calories taken in, calories stored and calories used. Try to balance your daily caloric intake with output! People were made to move! Moving burns calories. How do we burn 100 calories? For instance, we even burn calories when we are sleeping as our body is busy rebuilding our cells. Standing burns more calories than sitting. Running burns more calories than walking. Take a look at the following activities and see how many calories they burn. It is all about balancing calories taken in, calories stored and calories used. Try to balance your daily caloric intake with output!

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Activity 5 – Check Your Energy Sources

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Energy cooks our food, warms our homes, lights our streets, brings us television and powers our cars. Energy is defined as the ability to do work, and we use energy to work. Energy moves, lifts, warms, dries, lights! Energy comes in different forms: heat (thermal), light (radiant), mechanical, electrical, chemical and nuclear. Stored energy is potential energy and moving energy is kinetic energy. Some energy sources are renewable like wood (the first source for fire), solar, geothermal (inside the earth), biomass (from plants), and wind. Water (hydrothermal) is a valuable natural resource but must be conserved wisely. Some sources are non-renewable like coal and oil and pollute the earth and air and water. Non-renewable sources cannot be replenished or take millions of years to replenish. Watch the Natural Resources Video to see that people need to use renewable energy sources to live sustainably!

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Activity 6 – Make An Energy History Timeline

How long has energy been around? What was our first source of energy after the sun? Who were the important inventors of energy sources and uses? Research the history of energy types and make a timeline. On the timeline mark key inventors and what invention they contributed to our use of energy. Make a guess about the energy for the future!

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Activity 7 – Energy Systems Map

Energy, potential and kinetic, has several origins in our world in each of the layers of life- atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. Humans extract different sources of energy and then through different processes of production transform the source into a useable resource. This resource then must be transported in various ways, converted or transformed, and distributed via our electric grid (or other future energy) systems. Choose one type of energy and using the Energy Systems Map, track it from its source to its final distribution. Follow the energy flow!

Activity 8 – Compare Energy Use!

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What energy do you use every day? First, you eat to nourish your body, you turn on lights to see, you turn on hot water to wash, and you turn on the heat and move around to keep warm. All of these actions use energy. Make a chart of everything you do in one day. List your activities in the left column. Then declare if the activity uses stored or kinetic energy. In the third column, state whether the activity uses renewable or non-renewable energy. Finally, make a pie chart that shows percentages of used energy, potential and kinetic, and a second pie chart of renewable or non-renewable energy sources. What did you discover about your energy use? Are you using energy wisely? If the world can help spread the available energy to all that need energy, what can you do to not over-use energy?

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  • A muffin is a form of:
  • The most cost-effective way to dry clothes is:
  • Oil and Gas are:
  • A house that is insulated can use up to _____ less energy:
  • BTU stands for:
check answers

