
Icons 1685639902 bee icondb72dpi Bees

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C D B Z B Z B! D B S A B Z B Z Bee!!!

Bees buzz. The buzz is the sound of their wings flapping to move them through the air and alight on flowers. Bees like flowers because the pollen of flowers is what they eat. Stopping on flowers also coats the bees’ legs and belly with pollen which they then carry to other flowers. This sharing of pollen builds symbiosis between the flowering plants and cleans the air so that we can breathe! Honey bees make honey in honeycombs, feeding on it to keep them and their children alive during the winter months. We can help bees by planting bee-friendly gardens! Bees are attracted to a host of flowers including Purple Coneflowers, Orange Butterfly Weed, Bee Balm, Catmint, Crocuses, Cosmos, Geraniums, Goldenrod, Honeysuckle, Hyacinth, Lavender, Phlox, Poppies, Pot Marigolds, Roses, Strawberries, White Clematis, Snap Dragon, Snow Drop, St. John’s Wort, and Sunflowers! Plant a BEE-Friendly Garden!

Activity 1 – Types of Bees

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There are 8 known types of honey bees. The most common bee is the European Honey or Western Honey Bee. Bees that make honey have a Queen bee, drones(males), and worker(female) bees.

Besides honey bees, other common types of bees are Bumble Bees, Carpenter Bees, and Killer Bees.

Most bees sting if intimidated or bothered. That means it is usually safe to work in the garden while bees are there as long as you do not bother them. The exception is the killer bees who often attack a predator with the entire community of bees.

Stings do hurt, and for some people, cause allergic reactions. If swelling expands beyond the bee sting area (up an arm or leg or face or hand or foot or in your throat), stung individuals should seek immediate attention.

Bees are very important to our food chain of plants. While there are more than 20,000 species of bees, their numbers are being depleted.

Draw and label four different kinds of bees.

Activity 2 – Importance of Bees to Our Ecosystems

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Bees play a critical role in our ecosystem and are essential for the pollination of many of the crops that we rely on for food. In fact, it’s estimated that bees are responsible for pollinating one-third of the food that we eat! Without bees, many of the fruits, vegetables, and nuts that we enjoy would become much more difficult and expensive to produce. In addition to their economic importance, bees also play a key role in maintaining biodiversity and supporting other wildlife. By pollinating plants, bees help to ensure that a wide range of species can thrive in their natural habitats. This makes bees an important part of the delicate balance of our ecosystem and highlights the importance of protecting and preserving these important pollinators. Research bee houses and build one!

Activity 3 – See like a Bee

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Bees have a unique visual system that allows them to see things differently than humans. Bees can see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to humans. This allows them to see patterns in flowers that are invisible to us, which helps them find nectar and pollen. Bees also have a wider field of vision than humans, allowing them to see in almost all directions at once. However, bees have poor color vision compared to humans and cannot see the color red. Instead, they see a range of blues and greens. Overall, the bee’s visual system is highly adapted for finding food and navigating through its environment.

Based on the color rendition charts for humans and bees, draw pictures of different flowers through the lens of your eyes and those of bees!

Activity 4 – History of Beekeeping

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Beekeeping is a practice that has been cherished for millennia. Humans love honey! A Mesolithic rock painting (from 8000 to 6000 BC) in Spain reveals a person collecting honey from a bee hive in a tree! Evidence of beekeeping is also traced back to ancient Egypt, where honey was used for culinary and medicinal purposes. The Greeks and Romans kept bees and used honey as a sweetener. During the Middle Ages, monks kept bees and produced honey for their monasteries. With the advent of movable comb hives in the 19th century, beekeeping became more efficient and popular. Today, beekeeping is an important industry, with honey and beeswax products used in various applications, including food, cosmetics, medicine, and more.

Draw a common Beekeeping station.

Activity 5 – Interesting Bee Facts

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Bees have been around for over 30 million years. They can recognize human faces. Bees possess five eyes and are the only insect that produces food for humans. Extreme hard workers, bees visit two million flowers to make a pound of honey, visiting an average of 10,000 flowers a day! Bees have a special stomach called the honey stomach, which is used to store nectar and water. They communicate with each other by their special dance called the waggle dance it to communicate with other bees about the location of the food. Bees are very intelligent and can solve problems that would be difficult for some animals.

Make a bee poster with these fun facts adding some of your very own. Bees are magnificent insects and we need them!!!

Activity 6 – Save the bees

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Unfortunately, bee populations are declining in recent years due to factors like habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. This decline is a cause for concern, as it could have far-reaching consequences for our food supply and the health of our planet. By working to protect and preserve bee populations, we can help ensure a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and for the planet in the following ways: -

o Plant bee-friendly flowers and plants in your garden or yard. Bees need a diverse range of flowers to feed on, so try to include a mix of native plants and wild flowers.

o Avoid the use of pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals can be harmful to bees and other pollinators, so try to use natural alternatives or avoid them altogether.

o Support local beekeepers by buying honey and other bee products from them. This helps to support bee populations and ensures that beekeepers can continue to do their important work.

o Create bee-friendly habitats by leaving some areas of your garden or yard un- mowed or by installing bee houses or nesting boxes.

By educating others about the importance of bees, we can help to create a culture of support for these important pollinators. Spread awareness about the importance of bees and the threats they face by creating campaign posters. Upload yours to the gallery!


  • People arrived on earth before bees.
  • Honey Bees live an average of
  • Why are bees' lives so short?
  • Which bee types send the entire colony after a predator?
  • Which bees eat royal Jelly?
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