Welcome to, the 21st Century of design-based learning. expanded from its first 16 journeys tested in Racine County Inner City Schools in 2007 to now offering over 350+ Journeys with 5,000 integrated activities, linked to 10,000 virtual field trips, interactives, simulations, research institutions, and contemporary art, science, design, and environment career connections. As we enter our 15th year, are used in 52 states and over 200 countries by students, teachers, and inquisitive minds looking to learn more about the world and how humans can contribute.
As Arnold Wasserman from Idea Factory & Invention Collective said,
“ delivers content in context embedded in templates and tools. It is at the right level between abstract concept and concrete instantiation.
It builds both subject matter mastery and meta-cognitive skills. It reifies domain knowledge transparently as generative engagement.
Seamlessly, it inculcates habits of attentive observation, heuristic discovery and self reflection. It speaks epistemological authority with a light,
pedantic voice. Beyond all that is intrinsically motivating which is the fancy term for fun!”
So, how to make the most of our e-learning platform? I am glad you asked. introduces topics in the form of journeys. These journeys introduce activities online, in the classroom, in the community, and around
the globe. Journeys are organized into four main categories: tools, language, discovery, and design.
< is an informal E-learning environment that supports student led inquiry. E-learning develops digital fluency by introducing the current
media tools for creating, communicating, and collaborating sustainable practices. It also shares diverse approaches and forums from multiple cultural
perspectives with current artifact and data collections, research organizations, and knowledge institutions working to sustain human life. E-learning
integrates systems connectivity and design thinking, research, processes, and ways of making across connected skills. Mixing analog and digital, e-learning
encourages frequency to fluency priming, deepening, and extending learning.
A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Lao-Tzu
And so does opening our imagination!
1. Bookmark
2. Select a journey. Choose from over 350 journeys. Select by subject or by skills or combination of subjects and skills. Or Google and a topic you are interested in. If we don’t have it and you think it is important for the world to think about, send us an email.
3. Start your journey. discover ways of looking, learning, and making. Connect with tools used to explore the world, learn from the world, and contribute to the world!
4. Complete the activities. Observe, write, sketch, model, make, imagine, and create in your community connecting with global practices and research.
5. Explore. Check the explore links to learn from contemporary art, science, environment, and design practices.
6. Complete activities. Submit your work to the gallery!
7. Review what you learned! Follow your interests.
8. Relate and Repeat. See related journeys and continue exploring natural and build systems, objects, media, and environments.
9. Share and show your Teacher. Share with your friends. Watch your videos on YouTube. Add to the gallery!
10.Tell us how you’re using!. Email
“I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been.” Winnie the Pooh!
Explore Student Inquiry through Place Based Project learning!