
E-Learning As Evidenced Based Design

What is Evidence-Based Learning?

According to the U.S. Department of Education, evidence-based learning is a critical pedagogy that measures outcomes of retention and critical thinking put in action. What are our learning outcomes as individual students, teachers, and e-learning platform creators? We are happy to say at evidence-based learning has been a practice since our inception in 2007. The outcomes from over the years have been integration, civil engagement, and whole thinking problem-solving.

What has been discovered to be most effective is immersion with as many senses as possible, mediums, analog, and digital. On the website when you explore the various journeys and topics you will see that there are immersive activities, questions for retaining of information, physical activities, video tutorials, and accommodations for the multiplicity of learning styles for retention and application.

In our Creative Connections Journey IV, students engage all senses in the Forming, Folding, Flying, Fanning Fun . From a practical micro-view, students are given autonomy and choice for exploring material and a foundation for geometry. This foundation builds up to the application of smaller design, conceptual sketching, and supporting visual thinking. When students in our in-person workshop teachers are introduced to the curriculum with our easy to navigate the curriculum, from there we guide students into the practical design, eco-literacy, and eco-sensing through patterns in nature, and then look through a scientific lens at aerodynamics and gravity with the integrative project of designing a paper airplane.

Whether it is self-directed by students on the e-learning platform, adapted into the curriculum by public school teachers, or immersive at workshops, retention and enthusiasm for learning is shared by students that engage at this whole view curriculum level. Touching on science, design, technology, and art through an environmental lens, engages problem-solving naturally within the class discussion!

Design is the liberal arts education of today. Current STEM teaching (Science + Technology + Engineering + Math) supports students with the necessary skills and literacies designed to contribute scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and technologists to current fields.’s informal E-Learning platform encourages diverse collaborative approaches to learning that engage the world to improve the world. K-12 teaching transforms these objectives into STEAM by Design Inquiry overlapping Science + Technology + Engineering + Environment + Art + Math activities to reimagine new relationships between our built and natural worlds by empowering and including youth voice.

For teachers and learners throughout the U.S, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are redefining the problem-rich environment of K-12 science education. The new standards make visible the significant achievements of Project 2061, the long-term initiative to ensure that by 2061 all students graduate from high school as science-literate adults. As educators take up that challenge, the NGSS maps the road ahead. is fully on board and up to date with the new NGS Standards within our curriculum mapping and consulting.

What are the NGSS Cross Cutting Concepts and which journeys deliver them?’s Mission in offering integrated Design Opportunities connected to creative career connections is to open and engage human imagination.

​​NURTURE creativity
PROMOTE stewardship of the environment
INSPIRE wonder of the built and natural world
INCLUDE all Imaginations
CONNECT an eco-web community
ENABLE teachers as collaborators empowering youth-led active project learning
CRITIQUE and impact consumption
PROPOSE humanitarian solutions to social problems
ADVOCATE conscientious alternative living strategies

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